====== Java 16 ====== * [[https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2020/11/day-period-support-in-jdk-16.html?utm_medium=feed#|Day Period Support in JDK 16 | Java Code Geeks - 2020]] * [[http://marxsoftware.blogspot.com/2020/11/jdk16-check-long-indexes-ranges.html?utm_medium=feed|Inspired by Actual Events: JDK 16: Checking Indexes and Ranges of Longs]] * [[https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2020/12/jdk-16-checking-indexes-and-ranges-of-longs.html?utm_medium=feed|JDK 16: Checking Indexes and Ranges of Longs | Java Code Geeks - 2020]] * [[http://marxsoftware.blogspot.com/2020/12/jdk16-stream-to-list.html|Inspired by Actual Events: JDK 16: Stream to List In One Easy Call]] * [[https://luvstudy.tistory.com/135|JDK 16 New Features]] * [[https://foojay.io/today/spring-boot-java-16-records/|Spring Boot, Java 16, and New Java Records | foojay]] * [[https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2021/04/java-16-stream-tolist.html|Java 16: Stream.toList() | Java Code Geeks - 2021]] * [[https://adambien.blog/roller/abien/entry/java_16_converting_a_json|Java 16: Converting a JSON array to Java types with Pattern Matching : Adam Bien's Weblog]] * [[https://adambien.blog/roller/abien/entry/java_16_a_minimalistic_apache|Java 16: a minimalistic Apache Maven / pom.xml : Adam Bien's Weblog]] * [[https://foojay.io/today/java-16-and-intellij-idea/|Getting Started with Java 16 and IntelliJ IDEA | foojay]] * [[https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2021/04/java-16-records-with-jpa-and-jooq.html|Java 16 Records with JPA and jOOQ | Java Code Geeks - 2021]] * [[https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2021/04/looking-into-the-jdk-16-vector-api.html|Looking into the JDK 16 vector API]] * [[https://blogs.oracle.com/javamagazine/java-champion-more-favorite-java16-features|Even more greatness packed into Java 16, including tools for improving future JVMs]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21qP32r0yso|What's new in Java 16 - YouTube]] * [[https://www.baeldung.com/java-16-new-features|New Features in Java 16 | Baeldung]] * [[https://javacan.tistory.com/entry/java-9-16-features|자바 9 - 16 주요 특징 :: 자바캔(Java Can Do IT)]] * [[https://developer.okta.com/blog/2021/11/05/java-records|Java Records: A WebFlux and Spring Data Example | Okta Developer]] * [[https://dev.java/learn/using-record-to-model-immutable-data/|Using Record to Model Immutable Data - Dev.java]] * [[https://blog.jetbrains.com/idea/category/features/|Java 16 and IntelliJ IDEA | The IntelliJ IDEA Blog]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hA47LxykPo&ab_channel=in28minutes-LearnCloudandDevOps|Java New Features - Java 9, Java 10, Java 11, Java 12, Java13, Java 14, Java 15 - YouTube]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIi6gbc7BaE&ab_channel=InfoQ|What's New in Java 16 - YouTube]] * [[https://coderstea.in/post/java/java-16-record-to-reduce-boilerplate-code-of-pojo/|Java 16 Record To Reduce Boilerplate Code Of POJO | CodersTea]] * [[https://coderstea.in/post/java/java-16-is-here-and-key-takeaways-for-java-developers/|Java 16 Is Here! New Features Of Java 16 Simplified | CodersTea]] * * [[https://dzone.com/|Java Record Class With Practical Examples - DZone Java]] * [[https://4comprehension.com/java-stream-mapmulti/|Java 16's Stream#mapMulti() - a Better Stream#flatMap Replacement? - { 4Comprehension }]] * [[https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2021/09/java-16-stream-mapmulti.html|Java 16: Stream.mapMulti | Java Code Geeks - 2021]]