====== JSTL ====== * [[http://blog.naver.com/nkjang/20022722502|JSTL에 대한 정리]] 연산자 포함 * [[http://neokido.tistory.com/223|JSTL에 대한 정리]] ===== forEach varStatus ===== * [[http://bmchild.blogspot.com/2012/03/jstl-cforeach-varstatus-properties.html|JSTL c:forEach varStatus Properties]] ^ Property ^ Getter ^Description ^ |current|getCurrent()|The item (from the collection) for the current round of iteration| |index|getIndex()|The zero-based index for the current round of iteration| |count|getCount()|The one-based count for the current round of iteration| |first|isFirst()|Flag indicating whether the current round is the first pass through the iteration| |last|isLast()|Flag indicating whether the current round is the last pass through the iteration| |begin|getBegin()|The value of the begin attribute| |end|getEnd()|The value of the end attribute| |step|getStep()|The value of the step attribute| ===== null 검사 ===== <%-- 아래는 객체가 안 비었는지 여부(null, 빈 문자열, 빈 배열, 빈컬렉션 검사이다. --%> ... <%-- 아래는 null만 검사한다 --%> ... 혹은 ...