====== Compton ====== * [[https://github.com/chjj/compton|Compton]] A compositor for X11 * 개발 중단. [[linux:picom|picom]] 으로 전환 * [[linux:windowmanager|Linux Window Manager]] 종류에 상관없이 윈도우에 투명, Shadow 등의 효과를 줄 수 있는 툴. * [[https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/xcompmgr|xcompmgr]] 을 포크한 것임. ===== 설치 ===== sudo add-apt-repository ppa:richardgv/compton sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install compton compton 사용시, 애플리케이션의 투명 기능은 꺼두는 것이 나은 듯. * [[https://wiki.manjaro.org/index.php?title=Using_Compton_for_a_tear-free_experience_in_Xfce|Using Compton for a tear-free experience in Xfce - Manjaro Linux]] ===== 시작 프로그램으로 등록 ===== 옵션 도움말은 ''compton --help''. 아래는 예시. compton -c -r 8 -l -24 -t -12 -G -b --shadow-exclude 'g:e:Wine' --shadow-exclude 'n:w:*Firefox*'\ --shadow-exclude 'i:e:mate-panel' --shadow-exclude 'i:e:cairo-dock' ===== compton-trans ===== * [[https://github.com/chjj/compton/blob/master/bin/compton-trans|compton-trans]] * ''transset'' 래핑 스크립트 ===== shadow-exclude ===== * ''%%--%%shadow-exclude'' 옵션을 통해 compton 적용 대상에서 제외 시키는 것이 가능하다. [[https://github.com/chjj/compton/pull/29|Add shadow blacklist option]] * Wine, Firefox 애플리케이션 제외 compton [...options..] --shadow-exclude 'g:e:Wine' --shadow-exclude 'n:w:*Firefox*'\ --shadow-exclude 'i:e:mate-panel' * Usage --shadow-exclude condition Exclude conditions for shadows. Format of a condition: condition = :[]: is one of "n" (window name), "i" (window class instance), and "g" (window general class) is one of "e" (exact match), "a" (match anywhere), "s" (match from start), "w" (wildcard), and "p" (PCRE regular expressions, if compiled with the support). could be a series of flags. Currently the only defined flag is "i" (ignore case). is the actual pattern string. * Examples # Don't paint shadow if window name is exactly URxvt compton -c --shadow-exclude 'n:e:URxvt' # Don't paint shadow if window general class string starts with # "Notification", ignore case compton -c --shadow-exclude 'g:si:Notification' # Don't paint shadow if window name matches wildcard "*Firefox*" compton -c --shadow-exclude 'n:w:*Firefox*' # Don't paint shadow if window instance class string contains "navigator", # ignore case compton -c --shadow-exclude 'i:wi:navigator' # Don't paint shadow if window name matches PCRE regular expression # "( - )?Mozilla Firefox$", ignore case compton -c --shadow-exclude 'n:pi:( - )?Mozilla Firefox$' # Combine them all compton -c --shadow-exclude 'n:e:URxvt' \ --shadow-exclude 'g:si:Notification' \ --shadow-exclude 'n:w:*Firefox*' \ --shadow-exclude 'i:wi:navigator' \ --shadow-exclude 'n:pi:( - )?Mozilla Firefox$' ===== 참조 ===== * [[http://lubuntublog.blogspot.com.es/p/compton.html|lubuntu blog: Compton (shadow effects and more)]] * [[https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Per_Application_Transparency|Per Application Transparency]] 애플리케이션 단위로 투명도 지정/저장하기. xcompmgr 대신 compton이라고 보면 됨. * [[http://nujulinux.blogspot.kr/2013/01/how-to-make-transparent-and-shadow.html|How to Make Transparent and Shadow Effect - Linux]] * [[http://duncanlock.net/blog/2013/06/07/how-to-switch-to-compton-for-beautiful-tear-free-compositing-in-xfce/|How to switch to Compton for beautiful tear free compositing in XFCE: duncanlock.net]]