====== node.js ====== * http://nodejs.org/ * [[http://nodejs.github.io/nodejs-ko/|Node.js 한국 커뮤니티]] * [[http://nodeqa.com/|Node.js QA]] * [[http://nodyn.io/|Nodyn]] Java based Node.js * [[node.js:pm2|pm2]] ===== 주사용처 ===== * [[https://dzone.com/articles/a-look-into-nodejs|A Look Into Node.js]] > Node.js was never made to solve the compute scaling issue. It was made to tackle the I/O scaling issue, which it does extremely well. Being single-threaded, Node.js might be a bad choice for web servers serving as computational servers, since heavy computation will block the server's responsiveness. ===== WebSocket Proxy ===== * L7, 기타 프록시를 함부로 사용하면 WebSocket이 작동하지 않게 된다. * L7 설정을 HTTP가 아닌 일반 TCP로 지정해야 한다. ===== 분석 ===== * http://nodetime.com/ : Node.js APM 서비스 ===== Install ===== * [[https://github.com/nodesource/distributions|nodesource]] : 각종 리눅스 배포판용 저장소 제공. # Ubuntu LTS curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_lts.x | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs # Ubuntu Current curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_current.x | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs * 일부 직접 빌드가 필요한 npm 패키지를 위해서 ''build-essential'' 설치 필요. sudo apt-get install -y build-essential * [[node.js:nvm|NVM]], [[node.js:nvm_windows|nvm for windows]] 개발용 여러버전 관리하기 * [[https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/installing-node.js-via-package-manager|Installing Node js via package manager]] * [[https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-node-js-on-an-ubuntu-14-04-server|How To Install Node.js on an Ubuntu 14.04 server]] ===== 참조 ===== * [[http://blog.risingstack.com/node-js-best-practices/|Node.js best practices]] * [[http://techblog.netflix.com/2014/11/nodejs-in-flames.html|The Netflix Tech Blog: Node.js in Flames]] * [[http://www.nodebeginner.org/index-kr.html|Node.js beginner book]] * [[http://www.slideshare.net/mctenshi/nodejs-playnode-2015|시간당 수백만 요청을 처리하는 node.js 서버 운영기 - Playnode 2015]] * [[https://dzone.com/articles/top-nodejs-metrics-to-watch-1|Top Node.js Metrics to Watch - DZone Performance]] * [[http://www.webcodegeeks.com/javascript/node-js/understanding-garbage-collection-memory-node-js/|Understanding Garbage Collection and Memory in Node.js]] * [[https://blog.risingstack.com/how-to-become-a-better-node-js-developer-in-2016/|How to Become a Better Node.js Developer in 2016]] * [[https://github.com/goldbergyoni/nodebestpractices|goldbergyoni/nodebestpractices: The Node.js best practices list (November 2020)]] * [[https://nodeshift.dev/nodejs-reference-architecture/|Node.js Reference Architecture | Node.JS Reference Architecture]] * https://github.com/nodeshift/nodejs-reference-architecture * [[https://medium.com/zigbang/nodejs-%EB%B0%B1%EC%97%94%EB%93%9C-%EA%B0%9C%EB%B0%9C-%ED%99%98%EA%B2%BD-%EC%9E%AC%EC%A0%95%EB%B9%84%ED%95%98%EA%B8%B0-4082eec0e107|Nodejs 백엔드 개발 환경 재정비하기. tslint를 eslint로 마이그레이션, vscode에서… | by Kay Hwang | 직방 기술 블로그 | Sep, 2022 | Medium]]