====== PHP ====== * 웬만하면 쓰지말자. * [[http://www.phptherightway.com/|PHP: The Right Way]] - [[http://modernpug.github.io/php-the-right-way/|PHP: The Right Way 한국어판]] * [[http://www.sitepoint.com/defensive-programming-in-php/|Defensive Programming in PHP]] * [[https://modernpug.org/|Modern PHP User Group]] ===== PHP & FrontEnd ===== * [[http://www.sitepoint.com/look-ma-no-nodejs-a-php-front-end-workflow-without-node/|Look, Ma! No NodeJS! - a PHP front end setup without Node]] ===== PHP Database ===== * [[https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/comparing-php-database-abstraction-layers--cms-32279|Comparing PHP Database Abstraction Layers and CRUD Plugins]] ===== 참조 ===== * [[http://haruair.com/blog/3286|당신이 PHP 개발자라면 2016년 놓치지 말고 해야 할 것들]] * [[http://haruair.com/blog/3301|구석기 PHP와 현대적인 PHP 비교하기]] * [[http://www.hanbit.co.kr/network/view.html?bi_id=2017|[한빛 네트워크] 새로운 PHP]] * [[https://stitcher.io/blog/php-in-2019|PHP in 2019 - stitcher.io]] * [[https://leanpub.com/cleanphp-korean|Clean Architecture in PHP 한국어판]] * [[https://www.sitepoint.com/php-development-environment/|Setting Up Your PHP Development Environment with Docker - SitePoint]]