====== DGS ====== * https://netflix.github.io/dgs/ * Build a full-featured [[:graphql|GraphQL]] server with Java or Kotlin in record time ===== 참조 ===== * [[https://netflixtechblog.com/open-sourcing-the-netflix-domain-graph-service-framework-graphql-for-spring-boot-92b9dcecda18#gaerae.com|Open Sourcing the Netflix Domain Graph Service Framework: GraphQL for Spring Boot | by Netflix Technology Blog | Feb, 2021 | Netflix TechBlog]] * [[https://tv.naver.com/v/23652389|Domain Graph Service를 활용한 광고 서비스의 GraphQL API 구현 사례]] * 31분쯤, 다양한 client 기기 대응을 위해 GraphQL을 사용했음을 얘기함.