사용자 도구

사이트 도구


문서의 이전 판입니다!



sudo add-apt-repository ppa:richardgv/compton
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install compton

compton 사용시, 애플리케이션의 투명 기능은 꺼두는 것이 나은 듯.

시작 프로그램으로 등록

옵션 도움말은 compton --help.

아래는 예시.

compton -c -r 8 -l -24 -t -12 -G -b



  • –shadow-exclude 옵션을 통해 compton 적용 대상에서 제외 시키는 것이 가능하다. Add shadow blacklist option
  • Wine, Firefox 애플리케이션 제외
    compton [...options..] --shadow-exclude 'g:e:Wine' --shadow-exclude 'n:w:*Firefox*'
  • Usage
    --shadow-exclude condition
      Exclude conditions for shadows.
    Format of a condition:
      condition = <target>:<type>[<flags>]:<pattern>
      <target> is one of "n" (window name), "i" (window class
      instance), and "g" (window general class)
      <type> is one of "e" (exact match), "a" (match anywhere),
      "s" (match from start), "w" (wildcard), and "p" (PCRE
      regular expressions, if compiled with the support).
      <flags> could be a series of flags. Currently the only defined
      flag is "i" (ignore case).
      <pattern> is the actual pattern string.
  • Examples
    # Don't paint shadow if window name is exactly URxvt
    compton -c --shadow-exclude 'n:e:URxvt'
    # Don't paint shadow if window general class string starts with
    # "Notification", ignore case
    compton -c --shadow-exclude 'g:si:Notification'
    # Don't paint shadow if window name matches wildcard "*Firefox*"
    compton -c --shadow-exclude 'n:w:*Firefox*'
    # Don't paint shadow if window instance class string contains "navigator",
    # ignore case
    compton -c --shadow-exclude 'i:wi:navigator'
    # Don't paint shadow if window name matches PCRE regular expression
    # "( - )?Mozilla Firefox$", ignore case
    compton -c --shadow-exclude 'n:pi:( - )?Mozilla Firefox$'
    # Combine them all
    compton -c --shadow-exclude 'n:e:URxvt' \
      --shadow-exclude 'g:si:Notification' \
      --shadow-exclude 'n:w:*Firefox*' \
      --shadow-exclude 'i:wi:navigator' \
      --shadow-exclude 'n:pi:( - )?Mozilla Firefox$'


linux/compton.1388830772.txt.gz · 마지막으로 수정됨: 2014/01/04 19:19 저자 kwon37xi