====== Vagrant Windows Box ====== 더이상 공식적인 Windows IE/Edge Test VM을 제공하지 않는다. * [[devops:vagrant|Vagrant]] * [[http://www.vagrantbox.es/|Vagrant Boxes]] 에서 Windows 로 확인 * [[http://www.hurryupandwait.io/blog/creating-windows-base-images-for-virtualbox-and-hyper-v-using-packer-boxstarter-and-vagrant|Creating windows base images using Packer and Boxstarter]] * [[https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/|Windows Evaluation Download]] * [[https://codeblog.dotsandbrackets.com/vagrant-windows/|Using Vagrant for Windows VMs provisioning - Dots and Brackets: Code Blog]] * [[https://dev.to/jeikabu/reusable-windows-vms-with-vagrant-2h5c|Reusable Windows VMs with Vagrant - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻]] * [[https://github.com/jcdarwin/vagrant.windows.vms|jcdarwin/vagrant.windows.vms: Create Windows VMs for use with Vagrant]] * [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36629872/cant-get-modernies-vagrant-specific-box-to-work-with-vagrant|virtualbox - Can't get modernIE's vagrant specific box to work with vagrant - Stack Overflow]] ===== Window 10 MS Edge Box ===== * [[windows:free_vm|Windows Free Virtual Machine]] 참조 * 더이상 공식적으로는 제공하지 않음. - https://www.browserstack.com/test-on-microsoft-edge-browser 사용. * '' Windows 10 with MSEdge (updated box)'' : http://aka.ms/msedge.win10.vagrant 실제로는 ZIP 파일이다. 다운로드 해서 unzip 할것. * 혹은 [[https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/|Download Virtual Machines]] 에서 MS Edge Windows 10 Vagrant Box를 다운로드 한다. * [[https://stackoverflow.com/a/41471865/1051402|Can't get modernIE's vagrant specific box to work with vagrant]]의 답변에 따르면 WinRM 이 설치는 돼 있으나 설정이 잘못돼 있어서 vagrant 가 접속해서 provisioning 을 못한다. * For that you need to manually boot the VM with getting the timeout error, go into Local Security Policy / Network List Management Policies, double klick on Network, go to tab Network Location and set the Location type to private and the User permissions to User can change location. * [[https://gist.github.com/santrancisco/a7183470efa0e3412222670d0bfb3da5|이거 더 참조할것]] * 변형된 box * [[https://app.vagrantup.com/kganguly/boxes/MSEdge-Win10|Vagrant box kganguly/MSEdge-Win10 - Vagrant Cloud]] : private network 상에서 winrm 이 작동하게 만들어진 버전 * [[https://app.vagrantup.com/chingc/boxes/win10|Vagrant box chingc/win10 - Vagrant Cloud]] # box 다운로드가 매우 느리므로 연결이 안정적인 곳(유선랜) 등에서 할 것 wget https://az792536.vo.msecnd.net/vms/VMBuild_20190311/Vagrant/MSEdge/MSEdge.Win10.Vagrant.zip unzip MSEdge/MSEdge.Win10.Vagrant.zip vagrant box add msedge-win10 "MSEdge - Win10.box" vagrant init msedge-win10 vagrant up ==== 더 정리할것 ==== * [[https://fishilico.github.io/generic-config/windows/vagrant.html|Windows Virtual Machine with Vagrant — Generic Config]] * [[https://gist.github.com/santrancisco/a7183470efa0e3412222670d0bfb3da5|VagrantFile for official base image - windows 10 with Microsoft edge]] * [[https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/63456542-7951-4375-b166-2de35c429371/how-to-run-the-exe-file-without-ui-made-by-installshield?forum=winformssetup|How to run the exe file without UI made by InstallShield?]] * [[https://www.advancedinstaller.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=30930|How I can make a silent installation without interface? - Advanced Installer]] * 자동로그인 [[https://dora-guide.com/windows-auto-login/|윈도우 10 자동로그인 설정/해제 - 로그인 화면 없애기 - 도라가이드]] ===== Windows 10 박스 ===== * [[https://kyungw00k.github.io/2015/09/09/windows-10-vagrant-box-%EB%A7%8C%EB%93%A4%EA%B8%B0/|Windows 10 Vagrant Box 만들기]] * [[https://github.com/jnyryan/vagrant-windows10|jnyryan/vagrant-windows10: A windows 10 virtual machine setup to run under VagrantUp and VirtualBox]] * [[https://huestones.co.uk/2015/08/creating-a-windows-10-base-box-for-vagrant-with-virtualbox/|Creating a Windows 10 Base Box for Vagrant with VirtualBox | HueStones]] vagrant init kyungw00k/windows-10-pro-kn-x64; vagrant up --provider virtualbox vagrant rdp ===== RDesktop ===== * ''sudo apt-get install rdesktop'' * 이후 # vagrant 디렉토리로 이동 후 vagrant rdp