====== OkHTTP ====== * https://square.github.io/okhttp/ * [[https://www.baeldung.com/guide-to-okhttp|A Guide to OkHttp | Baeldung]] ====== Non Blocking IO? ====== * [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23955924/how-is-okhttp-performing-parallell-http-requests-with-seemingly-synchronous-http|java - How is OkHttp performing parallell HTTP Requests with seemingly synchronous HTTP connections, without the use of threading? - Stack Overflow]] * okhttp 는 **non blocking IO 아니다**. Thread 기반의 비동기만 지원하는 것이다. IO 는 blocking 이다. * [[https://dzone.com/articles/high-concurrency-http-clients-on-the-jvm|High-Concurrency HTTP Clients on the JVM - DZone Performance]] ====== 참조 ====== * [[https://www.baeldung.com/java-okhttp-interceptors|Adding Interceptors in OkHTTP | Baeldung]] * [[https://gist.github.com/eungju/c156300f174404a62c7f048c62c8bcf1|OkHttp 지표 수집과 장애 격리]]