====== Cassandra ====== * [[http://cassandra.apache.org/|Apache Cassandra]] * [[https://github.com/Netflix/CassJMeter/|CasJMeter]] Cassandra JMeter Plugin ===== Query CQL ===== * [[https://docs.datastax.com/en/cql/3.3/cql/cql_using/useQueryDataTOC.html|Querying tables | CQL for Cassandra 3.0]] ===== 읽어볼 글 ===== * [[http://charsyam.wordpress.com/|Atlas는 왜 MongoDB에서 Cassandra로 옮겼나?]] * [[http://meetup.toast.com/posts/58|Apache Cassandra 톺아보기 - 1편 - Apache Cassandra 톺아보기 - 1편 : TOAST Meetup]] * [[http://meetup.toast.com/posts/60|Apache Cassandra 톺아보기 - 2편 - Apache Cassandra 톺아보기 - 2편 : TOAST Meetup]] * [[http://meetup.toast.com/posts/65|Apache Cassandra 톺아보기 - 3편 - Apache Cassandra 톺아보기 - 3편 : TOAST Meetup]] * [[http://call518.tistory.com/110|사랑줍는 거지 :: Cassandra - 분산 배치 전략 (Strategy - Replica/Snitch/Partitioner)]] ===== With Java ===== * [[http://www.baeldung.com/cassandra-with-java|A Guide to Cassandra with Java | Baeldung]] * [[https://dzone.com/articles/connecting-cassandra-java|Connecting to Cassandra from Java - DZone Database]] * [[https://academy.datastax.com/resources/getting-started-apache-cassandra-and-java-part-i|Getting Started with Apache Cassandra and Java | DataStax Academy: Free Cassandra Tutorials and Training]]