====== Bitwarden ====== * https://bitwarden.com/ ===== 단축키 ===== * [[https://bitwarden.com/help/keyboard-shortcuts/|Keyboard Shortcuts | Bitwarden Help Center]] * ''Ctrl+P'' : 비번 복사 * ''Ctrl+U'' : 사용자명 복사 * ''Ctrl+L'' : Lock Now ===== CLI ===== * [[https://bitwarden.com/help/article/cli/|The Bitwarden command-line tool (CLI) | Bitwarden Help & Support]] * [[https://github.com/doy/rbw/|GitHub - doy/rbw: unofficial bitwarden cli]] : 별도의 CLI * [[https://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/access-bitwarden-passwords-from-the-linux-command-line/|How to access Bitwarden passwords from the Linux command-line]] * ''bw'' cli 명령으로 로그인하려면 개인 API Key 를 환경변수 ''BW_CLIENTSECRET'' 에 설정해주거나 매번 로그인시에 입력해줘야한다. * [[https://bitwarden.com/help/cli-auth-challenges/|CLI Authentication Challenges | Bitwarden Help Center]] ===== MS Windows ===== * [[:windows|Windows]] 에서 생체 인식으로 잠금 해제가 가능하다. * 앱 뿐만 아니라 브라우저에서도 윈도우용 앱 설정에서 **앱과 브라우저 연결을 활성화** 하면 브라우저 확장에서도 생체인식이 작동한다. {{:password_management:bitwarden-windows-hello.png?400|}} {{:password_management:bitwarden-windows-hello-browser.png?400|}} ===== rofi 연동 ===== * [[linux:rofi|rofi]] * [[https://github.com/mattydebie/bitwarden-rofi|GitHub - mattydebie/bitwarden-rofi: Wrapper for Bitwarden https://github.com/bitwarden/cli and Rofi]] * [[https://github.com/mihalea/bitwarden-pyro|GitHub - mihalea/bitwarden-pyro: Bitwarden python interface built on Rofi, allowing for fast selection and insertion of passwords]] * [[https://github.com/fdw/rofi-rbw|GitHub - fdw/rofi-rbw: Rofi frontend for Bitwarden]]