====== Presentation ====== * PowerPoint, PPT * [[https://gist.github.com/johnloy/27dd124ad40e210e91c70dd1c24ac8c8| List of markdown presentation tools ]] * [[presentation:marp|Marp]] * [[presentation:revealjs|reveal.js]] * [[presentation:bespokejs|bespoke.js]] * [[presentation:remark|remark.js]] * [[presentation:gitpitch|GitPitch]] * [[presentation:slidevjs|slidevjs]] : 개발자를 위한 프리젠테이션 도구 * [[google:googleslides|Google Slides]] * [[libreoffice:impress|LibreOffice Impress]] * https://github.com/visit1985/mdp : 순수 Terminal 텍스트 환경용 presentation 기능이 강력한 것은 [[presentation:revealjs|reveal.js]] 와 [[presentation:slidevjs|slidevjs]] 인듯 하나, 사용이 간편하고 빠른 것은 [[presentation:marp|Marp]] 로 보임. ===== Template / 도우미 ===== * Slides Carnival - https://www.slidescarnival.com/ * Google Slides Template Gallery - https://docs.google.com/presentation/... * SlidesGo - https://slidesgo.com/ * ColorHunt - https://colorhunt.co/ * ColorSpace - https://mycolor.space/ * Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/ * Pexels - https://www.pexels.com/ * Pixabay - https://pixabay.com/ * Flaticon - http://flaticon.com/ * TheNounProject - https://thenounproject.com/ * TypeWolf - https://www.typewolf.com/ ===== 참조 ===== * [[https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/design|4 FREE Tools to Improve Your Next Presentation! - YouTube]] * [[https://gist.github.com/johnloy/27dd124ad40e210e91c70dd1c24ac8c8|List of markdown presentation tools]]