Java Virtual Thread
JEP 444: Virtual Threads
Java 19
에 preview 로 들어감.
Java 21
에 공식 도입.
Project Loom: Fibers and Continuations for the Java Virtual Machine
JEP 444: Virtual Threads Arrive in JDK 21, Ushering a New Era of Concurrency
Coming to Java 19: Virtual threads and platform threads
: 설명 잘돼 있음.
ebarlas/project-loom-c5m: Experiment to achieve 5 million persistent connections with Project Loom virtual threads
What the Heck Is Project Loom for Java? | Okta Developer
OpenJDK Project Loom | Baeldung
Project Loom: Understand the new Java concurrency model | InfoWorld
Java의 동시성 개선을 위한 Project Loom은 reactive streams를 대체할 것인가?
Going inside Java’s Project Loom and virtual threads
JEP 425: Virtual Threads (Preview)
Project loom
preview 반영?
Project Loom: Revolution in Java Concurrency or Obscure Implementation Detail? - YouTube
: loom 소개, 관련 좋은 자료들 소개
java virtual threads –
Boost Your Application’s Performance with Virtual Threads in Java and Spring: Exploring Project Loom | by Amit Himani | Jun, 2023 | Medium
Exploring Project Loom: A Revolution in JVM Concurrency | by Uğur Atçı | Trendyol Tech | Jun, 2023 | Medium
Java Virtual Threads 훑어보기 | 오늘도 끄적끄적
Embracing Virtual Threads
Spring Framework
Pitfalls to avoid when switching to Virtual threads – Fast thread
Preparing for Java Virtual Threads | Neil Brown
[Java] 기존 자바 스레드 모델의 한계와 자바 21의 가상 스레드(Virtual Thread)의 도입 - MangKyu's Diary
Java의 미래, Virtual Thread | 우아한형제들 기술블로그