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java:17 [2022/05/20 16:42]
java:17 [2023/09/18 11:21] (현재)
줄 1: 줄 1:
 ====== Java 17 ====== ====== Java 17 ======
 +  * [[https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/language/index.html|Java Platform, Standard Edition Java Language Updates, Release 17]]
   * [[https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/migrate/index.html#copyright-information|Java Platform, Standard Edition Oracle JDK Migration Guide, Release 17]]   * [[https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/migrate/index.html#copyright-information|Java Platform, Standard Edition Oracle JDK Migration Guide, Release 17]]
   * [[https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/migrate/migrating-jdk-8-later-jdk-releases.html|Migrating From JDK 8 to Later JDK Releases]]   * [[https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/migrate/migrating-jdk-8-later-jdk-releases.html|Migrating From JDK 8 to Later JDK Releases]]
 ===== 참조 ===== ===== 참조 =====
-  * [[https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/language/index.html|Java Platform, Standard Edition Java Language Updates, Release 17]]+  * [[https://www.baeldung.com/java-migrate-8-to-17|Migrate From Java 8 to Java 17 | Baeldung]]
   * [[https://www.oracle.com/news/announcement/oracle-releases-java-17-2021-09-14/|Oracle Releases Java 17]]   * [[https://www.oracle.com/news/announcement/oracle-releases-java-17-2021-09-14/|Oracle Releases Java 17]]
   * [[https://pretius.com/blog/java-17-features/|Java 17 features: A comparison between versions 8 and 17 - Pretius]]   * [[https://pretius.com/blog/java-17-features/|Java 17 features: A comparison between versions 8 and 17 - Pretius]]
줄 39: 줄 40:
   * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zmjg_ZEoH8|New Features in Java 11 and 17 | Java 17 Enhancements | Records | Sealed Classes | Geekific - YouTube]]   * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zmjg_ZEoH8|New Features in Java 11 and 17 | Java 17 Enhancements | Records | Sealed Classes | Geekific - YouTube]]
   * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJ9DYC-jswo&ab_channel=CodingwithJohn|Records In Java - Full Tutorial - The Best New Java Feature You're Not Using - YouTube]]   * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJ9DYC-jswo&ab_channel=CodingwithJohn|Records In Java - Full Tutorial - The Best New Java Feature You're Not Using - YouTube]]
 +  * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v00Byz9DQy0|[VDTRIESTE22] Java 11 to 17 - Exciting New Features - Conference by Simone Bordet - YouTube]]
 +  * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zmjg_ZEoH8|New Features in Java 11 and 17 | Java 17 Enhancements | Records | Sealed Classes | Geekific - YouTube]]
 +  * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNaUasfC84Y|Modern Java - Top Features of Java 9 to 17 - YouTube]]
 +  * [[https://techblog.gccompany.co.kr/%EC%9A%B0%EB%A6%AC%ED%8C%80%EC%9D%B4-jdk-17%EC%9D%84-%EB%8F%84%EC%9E%85%ED%95%9C-%EC%9D%B4%EC%9C%A0-ced2b754cd7|우리팀이 JDK 17을 도입한 이유]]
 +  * [[https://madplay.github.io/post/what-is-new-java-17|자바 17의 새로운 기능들, 3년 만에 LTS 버전 릴리즈!]]
 +  * [[https://revf.tistory.com/m/269|JDK 9 부터 17까지 총정리]]
java/17.1653032520.txt.gz · 마지막으로 수정됨: 2022/05/20 16:42 저자 kwon37xi