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java:hibernate:performance [2018/10/15 10:13]
java:hibernate:performance [2019/01/08 16:37]
줄 29: 줄 29:
 ===== hibernate.jdbc.batch_size ===== ===== hibernate.jdbc.batch_size =====
 +===== autoCommit 을 꺼서 성능 향상시키기 =====
 +  * Connection Pool 의 ''auto commit=false''을 항상 켜고, Hibernate 에서 직접 ''auto commit=false'' 하는 것을 막아서 불필요한 ''setAutoCommit()'' 호출로 인한 성능 저하를 줄이기
 +  * [[https://pkgonan.github.io/2019/01/hibrnate-autocommit-tuning|Hibernate setAutoCommit 최적화를 통한 성능 튜닝]]
 +  * [[https://vladmihalcea.com/why-you-should-always-use-hibernate-connection-provider_disables_autocommit-for-resource-local-jpa-transactions/|Why you should always use hibernate.connection.provider_disables_autocommit for resource-local JPA transactions - Vlad Mihalcea]]
 +  * 커넥션 풀 설정의 ''auto-commit: false''로 지정. 이걸 ''true''로 해버리면 트랜잭션이 안 먹음.
 +  * ''hibernate.connection.provider_disables_autocommit: true''로 지정 : 커넥션 풀의 autocommit 을 무조건 따르겠다는 의미. ''5.2.10'' 이상 버전
 +  * [[springframework:springboot:2|SpringBoot 2]] 부터는 커넥션 풀의 ''auto-commit'' 설정값에 따라 자동으로 ''hibernate.connection.provider_disables_autocommit: true'' 설정을 해준다. 
 +    * [[https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/9261|Consider disabling auto-commit when wiring connection pool configs and setting hibernate.connection.provider_disables_autocommit for resource-local transactions · Issue #9261 · spring-projects/spring-boot]]
 +    * ''HibernateJpaConfiguration.java'' <code java>
 +if (!vendorProperties.containsKey(PROVIDER_DISABLES_AUTOCOMMIT)) { 
 +    configureProviderDisablesAutocommit(vendorProperties); 
 +if (isDataSourceAutoCommitDisabled() && !isJta()) { 
 +  vendorProperties.put(PROVIDER_DISABLES_AUTOCOMMIT, "true"); 
 +> in Hibernate 5.2.10, we introduced the hibernate.connection.provider_disables_autocommit configuration property which tells Hibernate that the underlying JDBC Connections already disabled the auto-commit mode.
 ===== Assert statement count  ===== ===== Assert statement count  =====
줄 49: 줄 72:
   * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5asq8ZG_1k|7 Tips to improve your Hibernate performance - YouTube]]   * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5asq8ZG_1k|7 Tips to improve your Hibernate performance - YouTube]]
   * [[https://vladmihalcea.com/hibernate-performance-tuning-tips/|Hibernate performance tuning tips - Vlad Mihalcea]]   * [[https://vladmihalcea.com/hibernate-performance-tuning-tips/|Hibernate performance tuning tips - Vlad Mihalcea]]
 +  * [[https://vladmihalcea.com/courses/high-performance-java-persistence-mach-2/|High-Performance Java Persistence – Mach 2 - Vlad Mihalcea]]
java/hibernate/performance.txt · 마지막으로 수정됨: 2024/03/04 12:47 저자 kwon37xi