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java:retrofit [2020/07/30 15:56]
java:retrofit [2022/05/18 14:33]
줄 8: 줄 8:
   * [[reactive_programming:rxjava|RxJava]]   * [[reactive_programming:rxjava|RxJava]]
   * [[java:8:completable_future|Java 8 CompletableFuture]] - ''retrofit2.CompletableFutureCallAdapterFactory''   * [[java:8:completable_future|Java 8 CompletableFuture]] - ''retrofit2.CompletableFutureCallAdapterFactory''
 +===== Async / non-blocking IO 지원 =====
 +  * [[java:asynchttpclient|AsyncHttpClient]] 로 non-blocking IO 지원 가능.
 +  * [[https://github.com/AnkBurov/retrofit-http-client-adapter|AnkBurov/retrofit-http-client-adapter: An adapter between Retrofit and asynchronous non-blocking Java 11 Http Client]] : [[java:httpclient|Java 11 HttpClient]] 구현체로 non-blocking IO 하기
 ===== 참조 ===== ===== 참조 =====
줄 15: 줄 19:
   * [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32579754/retrying-the-request-using-retrofit-2|java - Retrying the request using Retrofit 2 - Stack Overflow]]   * [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32579754/retrying-the-request-using-retrofit-2|java - Retrying the request using Retrofit 2 - Stack Overflow]]
   * [[https://tosslab.github.io/android/2016/04/16/migration-to-retrofit2.html|Retrofit2 로 전환 | JANDI Tech]]   * [[https://tosslab.github.io/android/2016/04/16/migration-to-retrofit2.html|Retrofit2 로 전환 | JANDI Tech]]
 +  * [[https://jungwoon.github.io/android/2019/07/11/Retrofit/|Retrofit2 정리하기 - Jungwoon Blog]]
java/retrofit.txt · 마지막으로 수정됨: 2023/08/30 11:18 저자 kwon37xi