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javascript:template [2012/09/19 13:59]
kwon37xi 새로 만듦
javascript:template [2013/09/08 21:59] (현재)
줄 1: 줄 1:
 ====== Javascript String Template ====== ====== Javascript String Template ======
-  * [[javascript:templatewithscript|JavaScript &lt;script&gt; 태그를 사용한 템플릿]]+  * [[javascript:templatewithscript|JavaScript <script태그를 사용한 템플릿]]
   * [[http://akdubya.github.com/dustjs/|dust.js]] Javascript 템플릿 엔진   * [[http://akdubya.github.com/dustjs/|dust.js]] Javascript 템플릿 엔진
   * [[http://beebole.com/pure/|JavaScript Templates Engine PURE]]   * [[http://beebole.com/pure/|JavaScript Templates Engine PURE]]
   * [[http://code.google.com/p/jsmart/|jsmart]] - JavaScript template engine, port of the PHP template engine Smarty to Javascript, lets you use the same templates for PHP and JavaScript, on both server and client-side.   * [[http://code.google.com/p/jsmart/|jsmart]] - JavaScript template engine, port of the PHP template engine Smarty to Javascript, lets you use the same templates for PHP and JavaScript, on both server and client-side.
   * [[http://jtemplates.tpython.com/|jTemplates - template engine in JavaScript]] jQuery Plugin   * [[http://jtemplates.tpython.com/|jTemplates - template engine in JavaScript]] jQuery Plugin
 +  * [[http://underscorejs.org/#template|_template]]
 +  * [[http://mustache.github.com/|Mustache]] Multi Language 지원 템플릿 엔진
 +  * [[http://handlebarsjs.com/|Handlebars.js]] Mustache 호환 템플릿 엔진
javascript/template.1348030789.txt.gz · 마지막으로 수정됨: 2012/09/19 13:59 저자 kwon37xi