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linux:fzf [2021/09/29 12:06]
linux:fzf [2022/04/25 17:20] (현재)
줄 53: 줄 53:
   * https://github.com/bigH/git-fuzzy   * https://github.com/bigH/git-fuzzy
   * https://github.com/wfxr/forgit   * https://github.com/wfxr/forgit
- +  * https://spin.atomicobject.com/2018/04/05/fuzzy-find-git-add/ 
 +  * [[https://github.com/at-ishikawa/git-fzf|at-ishikawa/git-fzf: Git plugin with fzf]] 
 +  * [[https://im-designloper.tistory.com/50|[ Git ] Git을 단축어로 사용 ! alias 정리 ( with. fzf , tig )]] 
 +  * [[https://www.mimul.com/blog/gui-free-tips-git-command/|Git 커맨드라인 환경에서 GUI 부럽지 않게 사용할 수 있는 몇가지 팁 | Mimul Tech log]]
 ===== 참조 ===== ===== 참조 =====
줄 70: 줄 72:
   * [[https://developpaper.com/full-guide-to-using-fuzzy-finder-fzf-vim/|Full guide to using fuzzy Finder (FZF + VIM) | Develop Paper]]   * [[https://developpaper.com/full-guide-to-using-fuzzy-finder-fzf-vim/|Full guide to using fuzzy Finder (FZF + VIM) | Develop Paper]]
   * [[https://dev.to/iggredible/how-to-search-faster-in-vim-with-fzf-vim-36ko|How to search faster in Vim with FZF.vim - DEV Community]]   * [[https://dev.to/iggredible/how-to-search-faster-in-vim-with-fzf-vim-36ko|How to search faster in Vim with FZF.vim - DEV Community]]
 +  * [[https://betterprogramming.pub/boost-your-command-line-productivity-with-fuzzy-finder-985aa162ba5d|Boost Your Command-Line Productivity With Fuzzy Finder | by Vinicius De Antoni | Better Programming]]
 +  * [[https://sidneyliebrand.medium.com/how-fzf-and-ripgrep-improved-my-workflow-61c7ca212861|How FZF and ripgrep improved my workflow | by Sidney Liebrand | Medium]]
linux/fzf.1632884790.txt.gz · 마지막으로 수정됨: 2021/09/29 12:06 저자 kwon37xi