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python:unicode [2012/08/01 10:08]
kwon37xi [Unicode RegEx]
python:unicode [2014/07/07 00:33] (현재)
줄 9: 줄 9:
   * [[http://daveagp.wordpress.com/2010/10/26/what-a-character/|Python Console characters]]   * [[http://daveagp.wordpress.com/2010/10/26/what-a-character/|Python Console characters]]
   * http://farmdev.com/talks/unicode/   * http://farmdev.com/talks/unicode/
 +  * [[http://lucumr.pocoo.org/2014/1/5/unicode-in-2-and-3/|More About Unicode in Python 2 and 3 | Armin Ronacher's Thoughts and Writings]]
 +  * [[http://soooprmx.com/wp/archives/4912|[Python] 파이썬의 인코딩 | Wireframe]]
 +  * [[https://gist.github.com/kimdwkimdw/a2ea13848167984adc8f|Python 한글 다룰 때 주의할 점]]
 ===== Python 2.x Unicde 정리 ===== ===== Python 2.x Unicde 정리 =====
 +  * [[python:file|Python File 다루기]] Unicode 파일 관련 내용 참조.
 ===== Unicode RegEx ===== ===== Unicode RegEx =====
python/unicode.1343783282.txt.gz · 마지막으로 수정됨: 2012/08/01 10:08 저자 kwon37xi